Relationship- Anger Handling

Anubala Balasaravanakumar
2 min readJul 16, 2020

Hey all the people out there! This is not just meant for couples! Its for all kind of relationships.

Anger has become one of the common things we do in our daily life, just like eating and sleeping.

Our mindset has become such that ‘It’s okay to get angry just because it has become common’. But it’s not that way. We should start believing the forgotten fact that anger is negative and its not okay to get angry. Sounds crazy? Okay wait! We will talk a little deep.

Consider, you have an outing plan with your partner. You got ready on time and your partner got a bit late as always. You got angry on your partner for always making things late.

Generally, the one with valid reason gets angry over the other. And, when one gets angry, the other should be patient. When both shouts, its a mess. when one is silent, the argument comes to a conclusion and leads to peace after a chaos. But what if you give up your anger, even when you have a 100% valid reason to get angry! Why is there an unnecessary explosion of anger before eventually coming to peace? Just think!

Happy couples

A relationship is successful when either one of you gives up your anger.

Happy couples

But a relationship is happier, when both of you give up your anger for your loved ones.

